O objectivo inicial deste blog era mostrar os bonequinhos que começavam a nascer pelas minhas mãos, mas desde logo passou a ser um registo das pequenas coisas que fazem parte da minha vida quotidiana. É a forma de partilhar uma imagem, uma cor, uma receita, uma viagem... enfim, um sem número de coisas que vou fazendo, vendo e sentindo. Para que, quem o ler, possa sentir também...
The initial aim of this blog was to show the toys that were growing by my hands, but immediately it became a record of the little things that are part of my everyday life. It's about sharing an image, a color, a recipe, a travel ... well, it became a way of show up things that I´m doing, seeing and feeling. For those who read, may feel it too ...
The initial aim of this blog was to show the toys that were growing by my hands, but immediately it became a record of the little things that are part of my everyday life. It's about sharing an image, a color, a recipe, a travel ... well, it became a way of show up things that I´m doing, seeing and feeling. For those who read, may feel it too ...